EXCEL をフロントにして VBA で Webシステムへの連携を実現するためのネタ集め
- http - MSXML2.XMLHTTP send method works with early binding, fails with late binding - Stack Overflow
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308826/msxml2-xmlhttp-send-method-works-with-early-binding-fails-with-late-binding - EXCEL VBA で Webシステム に POST する
Sub main()
On Error GoTo err
Dim httpObj
Dim sendData
' 初期値セット
target_url = "http://(システムIP等)/xls_post/receive.php"
sendData = "username=admin&password=pass"
' POSTで送信
Set httpObj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
httpObj.Open "POST", target_url, False
Call httpObj.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
httpObj.send (sendData)
' 結果表示
MsgBox httpObj.ResponseText
Exit Sub
MsgBox "error"
End Sub
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